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"2015 우수학술도서"으로 태그된 도서목록
No. 서명 저자 발행처 발행년도
21 2500년 동안의 측정의 교수학 = Didactics of measurement 김용태 교우사 2014
22 A quest for East Asian sociologies / 김승국 Seoul National University Press 2014
23 A quest for East Asian sociologies / 김승국 Seoul National University Press 2014
24 CPTED와 범죄과학 : 범죄예방환경설계 박현호 박영사 2014
25 CPTED와 범죄과학 : 범죄예방환경설계 박현호 박영사 2014
26 Contemporary music in East Asia / Oh, Hee-sook SNUPRESS 2014
27 Contemporary music in East Asia / Oh, Hee-sook SNUPRESS 2014
28 Fundamentals of fluid dynamics : with an introduction to vector calculus and curvilinear coordinate system / Kim, Kwang-Yul SNUPRESS 2014
29 Fundamentals of fluid dynamics : with an introduction to vector calculus and curvilinear coordinate system / Kim, Kwang-Yul SNUPRESS 2014
30 North Korea's cities : industrial facilities, internal structures and typification / Dormels, Rainer Jimoondang 2014

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