- 자료유형
- 저자
- Giesecke, Joan.(3)
- Kahn, Miriam.(3)
- Baldwin, David A.(2)
- Bashirullah, Abul K.(2)
- Eden, Bradford Lee.(2)
- Goldberg, Jan.(2)
- Gorman, Michael.(2)
- Hachten, William A.(2)
- Hanson, Ardis.; Levin, Bruce Lubotsky.(2)
- Hillmann, Diane I.; Westbrooks, Elaine L.(2)
- Hirko, Buff.; Ross, Mary Bucher(2)
- Intner, Sheila S.; Weihs, Jean Riddle.(2)
- Maxwell, Robert L.(2)
- McNair, Brian.(2)
- Osborne, Robin(2)
- Ratzan, Lee.(2)
- Shuman, Bruce A.(2)
- Story-Huffman, Ru.(2)
- Sylvie, George.; Witherspoon, Patricia Dennis.(2)
- Tonfoni, Graziella.; Jain, Lakhmi.(2)
- Wallace, Linda K.(2)
- Weingand, Darlene E.(2)
- Adam, G. Stuart; Clark, Roy Peter.(1)
- Alabaster, Carol.(1)
- Allan, Stuart; Zelizer, Barbie.(1)
- 출판사
- American Library Association,(39)
- Libraries Unlimited,(39)
- American Library Association(26)
- Emerald(9)
- Routledge(8)
- Routledge,(5)
- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates(4)
- Libraries Unlimited(4)
- MIT Press,(4)
- Idea Group Pub.(3)
- Institute for Career Research(3)
- Lawrence Erlbaum(3)
- MIT Press(3)
- Europa Publications(2)
- Greenwood Press,(2)
- Idea Group Pub.,(2)
- Information Science Pub.,(2)
- Intellect(2)
- L. Erlbaum,(2)
- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,(2)
- McGraw-Hill,(2)
- National Academies Press(2)
- Quorum Books,(2)
- University of California Press(2)
- University of Missouri Press(2)
- 발행년도