- 자료유형
- 저자
- American College of Sports Medicine(3)
- Aaberg, Everett.(2)
- American Association of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation(2)
- Bouchard, Claude(2)
- Delavier, Fre>de>ric(2)
- Henderson, Joe.(2)
- Acevedo, Edmund O(1)
- Anders, Elizabeth.; Myers, Sue.(1)
- Andersen, Ross(1)
- Armstrong, Lawrence E.,1949-(1)
- Baechle, Thomas R.; Earle, Roger W.(1)
- Baechle, Thomas R.; Groves, Barney R.(1)
- Bar-Or, Oded(1)
- Barnes, Darryl E(1)
- Benjamin, Patricia J.,1947-(1)
- Benyo, Richard.(1)
- Berg, Stephen P.,1973-(1)
- Bernhardt, David T.,1962-(1)
- Blackburn, Kelly.(1)
- Blimkie, Cameron J. R(1)
- Borer, Katarina T(1)
- Burton, Harold,1951-(1)
- Campaigne, Barbara N.,1951-(1)
- Carmichael, Chris.; Burke, Ed(1)
- Carter, Susan D.,1957-(1)
- 출판사
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- 언어