- 자료유형
- 저자
- Fairburn, Christopher G(3)
- Cooper, Zafra(2)
- Hawker, Deborah M(2)
- (1982 :University of Toronto)(1)
- Allison, David B(1)
- Andersen, Ross(1)
- Angel, Aubie(1)
- Blundell, J. E.1942-(1)
- Bouchard, Claude(1)
- Britton, M(1)
- Brownell, Kelly D(1)
- Carruba, Michele O(1)
- Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum.Congress(14th :1984 :Florence, Italy)(1)
- Congress(14th :1984 :Florence, Italy)(1)
- Hills, Andrew P(1)
- Hollenberg, Charles H.,1930-(1)
- International Conference on the Adipocyte and Obesity(1982 :University of Toronto)(1)
- J.Ostman(1)
- Jonsson, Egon(1)
- Koelman, Peter G(1)
- Kopelman, Peter G.(1)
- O@stman, Jan(1)
- Ontario Heart Foundation(1)
- Pari>zkova>, Jana(1)
- Roncari, Daniel A. K(1)
- 출판사
- 발행년도
- 언어