- 자료유형
- 저자
- Freeman, Roger L(2)
- IEEE Communications Society(2)
- Lammle, Todd(2)
- (2008Hong Kong, China)(1)
- Anand, Bharat Narendra 1966-(1)
- Ao, Sio-Iong(1)
- Aumente, Jerome(1)
- Bigham, John(1)
- Couch, Leon W(1)
- DrHuang, Xu(1)
- Fitz, Michael P(1)
- Frieden, Rob(1)
- Graham, John,1936-(1)
- Hanzo, Lajos(1)
- Haykin, Simon S.,1931-(1)
- Hayzelden, Alex L. G(1)
- Healy, Rus(1)
- Huang, XuDr(1)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(1)
- Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers(1)
- Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India)(1)
- International Conference on Advances in Communication Technologies and Engineering Science(1)
- International Conference on Advances in Communication Technologies and Engineering Science(2008Hong Kong, China)(1)
- Lee, In(1)
- Mehta, Naren(1)
- 출판사
- 발행년도
- 언어